I love how a folder full of images can show thumbnails based on the current size of the window. I really loved the ability to hit Delete followed by Enter, or Shift+Delete followed by Enter, when cleaning up space in WE. I really loved the ease of going one level up by hitting backspace in WE. I love how easy it is to dig through a bunch of empty folders by hitting the expand/collapse arrow in Finder. In Windows, you need extra software to do that. Select them all and then choose from a bunch of semi-pro renaming options. I prefer how easy it is to rename a bunch of files in Finder. It is just not intuitive how to view a bunch of photos in full screen. With macOS, I have had to teach others how to do it, where you have to select them all and then hit Spacebar and then go full screen. I prefer how easy it is to open a folder of photos and then view them all in Windows Explorer. Though there is almost zero discoverability of the fact. I prefer Finder's ability to preview files so easily with hitting spacebar. I much prefer the clarity of Ctrl-X or Ctrl-C over remembering which button I have to press to get the context menu to change to allow moving instead.

The way to move files is extremely wonky in Finder using keyboard shortcuts. (Some of the things might have changed in the former, as I haven't used it in a long while). Windows Explorer and Finder both have pros and cons.